Photo & Video Gallery

On this page, we present some photographs and videos, taken by professional photographer Robin May.  The Trustees of Shoebox Express thank Robin for the excellent photographs and videos he has made for this website.

YouTube Videos

Our YouTube channel is now live.  In the first video our Chairman, Thomas Kenningley, provides an introduction to Shoebox Express.

In the second video our shoebox-wrapping professional, Jingle, shows how we wrap our Christmas shoeboxes - with generous measures of time, care and love.  We want our boxes to reach the children in good condition.  If you don't fancy the job, leave it to our professionals.  Just visit one of our events where there will be plenty of ready-wrapped, empty shoeboxes for you to choose.

In our latest video four professional children talk to Thomas Kenningley about essential and desirable items for Christmas shoeboxes.  We thank Benji, Harry, Ivuska and Jack for taking starring roles in this video.  We also thank their Mums and Dads for their gracious consent to allow us to share this video.